to make you whole
Sudden Weight Loss
An involuntary sudden weight loss in a nursing home resident may be caused by a number of factors, including illness, infection, or dehydration, and may be the result of neglect. California law requires that nursing facilities weigh all residents monthly, and any weight loss of five pounds or more in a 30-day period must be brought to the attention of the resident's treating physician promptly. A San Diego nursing home negligence lawyer can hold a facility or staff member accountable for failing to meet these standards.
The injury lawyers at Walton Law Firm have successfully prosecuted San Diego custodial care providers in civil courts for illness and injuries associated with weight loss. If you have questions about care provided to your loved one, please submit your confidential question online, or call Walton Law Firm for a free and private consultation with an attorney. We can be reached toll free at 866-607-1325 or locally at (760) 607-1325.