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Tube Feeding Failures
A gastric feeding tube, or "G-tube" or "PEG-tube," is a feeding tube inserted through a small incision in the abdomen into the stomach and is typically used for long-term nutrition and the administration of medication. Usually, the tube is placed under general anesthesia, and an endoscope is used to ensure proper placement. The entire tube placement procedure takes approximately 20 minutes.
If a feeding tube becomes dislodged or malfunctions in a nursing facility, medical attention should be sought right away, and the tube should be replaced. Our San Diego nursing home negligence lawyers have seen serious problems arise when caregivers do not recognize the signs and symptoms of feeding tube dislodgment or misplacement, and continue to provide feedings in a tube not securely inside the stomach. When this occurs, serious injury or death can result. Nursing standards require that tube placement be checked prior to every feeding, something frequently overlooked by professional caregivers.
The injury lawyers at Walton Law Firm have successfully prosecuted custodial care providers in civil courts in the San Diego area for the injuries caused by tube feeding negligence. If you have questions about tube feeding problems, please submit your confidential question online, or call Walton Law Firm for a free and private consultation with an experienced attorney. We can be reached toll free at 866-607-1325 or locally at (760) 607-1325.